ABOUT Share your skill

3. Semester / Design Thinking

With the help of this website the students of the HfG should be able to offer other students project-based assistance on a wide variety of topics.
Since the HfG offers a wide range of skills and knowledge through the various courses of study, skill-sharing is a particularly good option here. So you have the opportunity to look for a fellow student who knows a certain area very well and contact him.

First steps

Using various design thinking methods, a concept on the topic of skill sharing was developed here. Based on the idea of skill sharing among students, we conducted a user research. This was done by means of a pop-up skill sharing stand. The students could offer and search skills and abilities on prepared forms, such as CAD or programming knowledge.
The forms were attached to a pinboard and gave us the opportunity to find out how far students would be willing to give other students "tutoring" or even take some. Furthermore we were able to hold many informative discussions regarding the desired offer and the form of the implementation.

Sharing papers

Sharing papers

Design Thinking & Concept

In this project, the classical Design Thinking phases, from "Empathize" to "Test & Iterate", had to be completed. After the user research and the thorough consideration of the options, we have agreed on a basic concept of the implementation, which here amounts to a website. Since you can access the website from anywhere, every student of the HfG has the possibility to register via an own account and to look up which experts there are in which field, and could also be contacted directly through the site. By making contact it should be possible for the students to meet at the university and to make new competent contacts with whom they can also work together, perhaps even on a own project together.

video shooting

video shooting


Further functions, like being able to inform yourself about which programs or tools there are and for which area of application. We also integrated the requests given by students through new questionings and iterations and in our clickdummies and also the general concept. To our concept we then added also a kind of forum in which you can ask questions to related topics or programs. So that you don't have to meet someone to answer questions which are easy and fast to answer. Such as questions where the answer could also be important for other students.

Adobe XD Prototype

Adobe XD Prototype


The form prototypes were created in Adobe Experience Design and were ideal for testing and revising the interface and user experience. Since the project has already been so well received by our potential users during our research we would like to implement the concept on a real website, under the domain ShareyourSkill.de, which is now under construction. The website is implemented using HTML, PHP and a database.

Supervisor: Prof. Benedikt Groß, Bianca Koch
Partners: Robin Deeg, Jana Seemann, Marina Rost
Key Skills: User Research, Concept Ideation, Video production