ABOUT Gretel

#WirVsVirus Hackathon 2020

At the #WirVsVirus Virtual Hackathon in March 2020 me and more than 28,000 other citizens have worked together for 48 hours in a digital space on challenges posed by Covid-19. Me and my team worked on the Challenge "Corona Tracking" and so there was one huge main goal:

Flatten the Curve! We wanted to track chains of infection so that we could break them as quickly as possible. For this purpose, a good overview of the movement and contact behavior of at least the last 14 days is important in order to identify affected persons who have been in contact with infected persons at an early stage and to be able to initiate appropriate measures.

Gretel App

What Gretel does

Gretel collects, gathers and cumulates movement and contact data from various sources - some automatically, some manually added. This makes it possible to trace who was in contact with whom, when and in what context, in order to quickly identify chains of infection and interrupt them at an early stage. A digital app is supplemented by analog ID cards (in the usual credit card format) and hardware that also allows the participation of non-digitally networked persons. Stores and public institutions etc. are provided with DIY kits that allow the installation of scan stations.

Gretel Station

Gretel Stations

At Gretel Stations participants can be given an analog ID card which they can scan when entering and leaving the building, means of transport, etc. to make their data available. All those who provide data can be informed promptly about risks regarding infection etc. A health check provides the user with practical measures for the next few days in order to be able to react quickly and appropriately to the current situation and, for example, inform others, etc.

mobile webapp
desktop webapp


We are very proud of what we have achieved within just 48 hours. In the beginning there was very little except for a few first ideas. The team spirit on this project was overwhelming!
We have gained a lot of experience with remote work. Although we were scattered all over Germany, we worked together on the project for almost two days constantly. With tools like Miro for Ideation and Figma for Design we were able to work on content and designs together remotely.

Health States

Within Gretels Ecosystem different health states are determined, from healthy to infected to cured, which allow an assessment and information about the overall situation. A health check provides the user with practical measures for the next few days based on their actual state. To be able to react quickly and appropriately to the current situation for example to stay at home and inform contact persons.

Partners: Dominik Fink, Michael Schuster, Florian Geiselhart, Dominik Witzke, Vanessa Stöckel, Max Walter, Luca Stetter, Lisa Amann, Tobias Schmücker, Felix Arnold and more
Key Skills: Remote Work, Concept Ideation, Visual Design